Welcome to Roadmap to Health's new website! You have likely noticed Roadmap to Health's new name (spelling) and new logo. There are more changes on the way! While 2017 has brought a fresh look and feel to Roadmap to Health, our motivation remains the same; we want to work together to promote health for all Chester County residents.
June of 2016 marked the five year anniversary of Roadmap to Health's kick-off. We accomplished a lot in those years! The highlights include our partners that came together to conduct a comprehensive community health assessment (CHA), identify key priority areas, develop a community health improvement plan (CHIP), and begin to take action on that plan. We will be highlighting more specific accomplishments in each of the priority areas in future posts. We certainly have a lot to celebrate and be proud of, but there is still a lot we can do to make Chester County healthier!
The Leadership Team has been monitoring progress, connecting partners, and planning for Roadmap to Health's future. We recognized our anniversary as an opportunity to reflect on our successes, challenges, and opportunities. We may have seemed quiet lately, but we have been busy working behind the scenes! The changes you see now and will continue to see roll out are the response to our reflection.
We hope that you and your organization will join us in both celebrating the accomplishments of Roadmap to Health's first five years and looking forward to the next five! Please use the "Connect with Us" button to provide us with your updated information so we can keep you apprised of new developments and opportunities.